Postcards from Across the Pond

Big photo, short text: It’s practically the definition of a postcard. This blog post is taking a lesson from them to provide a wrap up of my trip to Devon with some views that I didn’t have a chance to share in the Bound for Beer series. Click on any of them to enlarge, and scroll to the end for a special offer.

Welcome to Beer: A few glimpses of the distinguishing features of Beer, from the Barrel of Beer to the picturesque cliffs and working beachfront. The Old Lace Shop is an interesting part of the village’s history: much of the lace for Queen Victoria’s wedding dress was made in Beer.

Castle Drogo: I used the construction at Castle Drogo as the spark for me to redo the MissElaineous Blog, but if you look closely you can see what the castle looks like without scaffolding, courtesy of a well placed sign at the site.

Painting of Frances Richardson Drew, wife of Julius Drewe (Castle Drogo)

Storage: Much of the interior of Castle Drogo was packed away or moved to a different location to deal with the construction, but the parts that were on display provided a glimpse of what life was like during the first half of the 20th century.

Garden Views: While Castle Drogo itself was under construction, its garden was in prime condition and the perfect place to explore. Flowers ranged from irises to lupins and everything in between.

All About Alliums: These gorgeous purple globes are one flower I can readily identify: alliums. They are also known as ornamental onions being in the same family as the edible variety, and they were absolutely swarming with bees during my visit to Castle Drogo. For those who are familiar with Antoine de Saint-Exupery’s The Little Prince, it reminded me a bit of the titular prince exploring his home planet.

Thatched house, Devon, England

A Bit of Randomness: As we live in a modern house with a rather unusual roof, I made MrElaineous pull over on a country lane so I could photograph its thatched counterpart. Then there’s the red cliffs of Dawlish Warren, a favourite spot as we raced the sunset to get here for wedding photographs many birthdaversaries ago. After our visit to Seaton Jurassic, I had a better understanding of the geologic processes behind these cliffs: they used to be a desert.

Country views from Castle Drogo

Bound for Beer: [ PART 1 ] [ PART 2 ] [ PART 3 ] [ PART 4 ]

Next week I’ll be looking a little closer to home with a town that still manages to have a few surprises. Please consider signing up to the mailing list to get it delivered directly to your inbox (and get a free eBook as a bonus!).

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Off the Beaten Track Wiltshire

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