Sneak Peek …

The world has changed a lot since I last posted on the MissElaineous Blog.
MrElaineous and I flew out of the UK on 1st March for a trip to visit my family in Florida, the first time I had been back to my hometown in nearly four years. Our timing couldn’t have been better … or worse.
We had a lovely trip. The weather was dry and warm, a pleasant change from the record-setting wet February we had in the UK. While there, we had the opportunity to watch a pair of great horned owl chicks begin the process of changing from small grey balls of fluff to, well, larger balls of fluff (let’s just say it was easy to see where Edward Lear got the idea for “The Owl and the Pussycat”—these could have been their offspring). We visited a garden that is an old favourite and one that was new to us. And we watched as the world grew increasingly more surreal.
We arrived back in the UK on Monday as terms like “social distancing” and “self-isolation” went from abstract theory to facts of life. Supermarket shelves and town centres were empty, schools began to close, and every social get-together, theatre performance, or concert we had planned was cancelled.
I will be using this newly freed up time to work on blog posts about the Florida trip to share with you over the next several weeks. And whether you’re self-isolating and looking for something to do, or just want to travel virtually around the UK and get lost down a most congenial rabbit hole, check out these past posts:

Here’s a peek at a few photos from Florida and keep an eye on the blog to head down a different type of rabbit hole.

Off the Beaten Track Wiltshire

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1 Comment

  1. Mary Peterson
    April 2, 2020 / 1:44 pm

    Look forward to your Blog on Sebastian.
    A pleasure to meet you when you were in town.

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MissElaineous Travel Blog: Escape, Explore, Discover, Enjoy